Souls learn from other souls not from books and lectures
— Rumi


We all have dreams. Our dreams resemble our deep longing in life. Living our dream(s) is the most fulfilling thing there is.

The success you created with your business, career or smart investments has given you some level of fulfilment, but you know there is more to life than just this achievement and financial ease.

What is next? What is that deeper longing in you that needs to be acknowledged. How can you be of service to humanity, to your inner circle while the world is in chaos?

Are you here to make that new solution that will impact and improve many lives as you want the good guys to win? Or are you here to become the best version of yourself to inspire others by living the example?

Both journeys are in essence the same. Both journeys are about new leadership that is so needed right now. This requires an holistic approach in all areas in your life, an expanded view on subjects you might never have touched before or I might share perspectives few dare to do talk about.

Welcome to a profound new way of coaching.

This is more than a program to achieve your goals. This is about liberation, flow, thriving relationships and effortless living.

I approach your questions from various viewpoints: 1) the mind and its logical understanding, 2) the heart and its purpose and 3) the (sub) conscious patterns.

During the period of one year we will work closely together in various ways: weekly calls, in-person meetings and I will be daily available through text message for reflecting questions. The latter is equally important to our 1-1 sessions. A transition like this requires continuous focus.

One of the frameworks I work with is the Energy Leadership Index (ELI). This gives you a very powerful insight in your own thinking, feeling and behaviour in certain situations. At the beginning of our year together, you will do the ELI test

With many years of experience in different formats of coaching, I have come to the conclusion that for true transformation a one year intensive is required to create that profound change that is life altering.

My business background, deep inner work, being a sensitive intuitive, my expertise in intimate relationship dynamics, my insatiable curiosity to understand the power dynamics that are influencing our lives, make me a highly valued counter partner for your journey.

Ready to book a 2 hour (free) call with me and experience how powerful coaching can be for you?

One Year Intensive:

Your One Year Coaching Intensive will be custom designed around your question and growth challenge. Elements that are always included: weekly 1-1 calls, an ELI test, your genius blueprint, a foundational element for your health: ERW water machine, 4 in-person meetings of which a 3 day intensive in my business sanctuary in Italy.

If I feel it is beneficial to your process, specialists will be asked to join on a specific topic.

Breakthrough 3 day intensive (starting in 2025)

More information will follow soon. These breakthrough intensives will be organised around a specific theme and program. I will bring in specialists to join me to offer you the best. The 3 day intensives are open for anyone and separate from the 3 day event as part of the One Year Intensive

Ready for a life changing call?

Saying yes to this one year intensive is an intuitive step.

You just know if this is the right moment for you.